Junior Boating at WSPC is offered for rowing, canoeing and punting. From the age of 6 years old, the club aims to get young rowers on the water as soon as possible. Junior rowers will learn about safety (both on and off the water), how to identify boats and equipment, and good rowing technique whilst having fun.
The club aims to introduce “fun racing” as soon as possible. Junior rowers receive huge benefits from competitive sports: physical, mental and emotional. Focus is on sportsmanship which is the importance of being a good winner and a good loser.

All junior rowers begin their rowing journey in single dinghies, once ready will progress onto double dinghies to learn teamwork, and also learn how to canoe. The club will provide all boats and equipment.
From the age of 11/12 (depending on abilities), junior rowers will be able to start training in full size skiff.
Junior rowers meet every Sunday from 10 until 12 starting after Easter until September.