Results – Wraysbury Long Distance

We were pleased to host the Wraysbury Long Distance (WLD) on Sunday 24 October.

This was the first skiff racing at Wraysbury involving other clubs since the start of the pandemic and as such has been expanded to not only include Mixed Double Skiffs but also O1’s (single outriggers). For more details about this race see the WLD Page

GSDGents Senior DoublesLSDLadies Senior Doubles
GHDGents Higher Doubles (< 24 points)LHDLadies Higher Doubles (< 24 points)
GIDGents Intermediate Doubles (< 16 points)LIDLadies Intermediate Doubles (< 16 points
GNDGents Novice Doubles (< 8 points)LNDLadies Novice Doubles (< 8 points)
GVDGents Veteran Doubles (Open)LVDLadies Veteran Doubles (Open)
GEDGents Entrant Doubles (0 Points)LEDLadies Entrant Doubles (0 points)
MDMixed Doubles O1Outrigger 

Pre-race Briefing
Waiting at the start
Let the pain begin …